Kenny Danberg

Relationship Banker III


With over 10 years in banking, Kenny is a vital asset at Kensington Bank, having started in high school and progressed through roles like Junior Universal Banker, Credit Analyst, Relationship Banker, and Consumer Lending Specialist.

#kensingtoncares, to Kenny, means being a financial partner to individuals, businesses, and organizations while actively volunteering in the community. He cherishes the small-town bank feel at Kensington, fostering close customer relationships while enjoying the benefits of a larger institution.

Beyond banking, Kenny’s community involvement shines through roles like Trustee for the Cokato Historical Society, member of the Litchfield Area Male Chorus, and Pheasants Forever Wright County participant. He also coaches Highland Community Church’s softball team.

Adding a touch of humor, Kenny shares the fun fact that Cleopatra lived closer in time to KFC’s founding than the building of the Egyptian Pyramids. Embracing wisdom, he resonates with the quote, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

In essence, Kenny is not just a banking professional; he is a dedicated individual seamlessly blending banking excellence with community service, contributing to both the financial and social well-being of those he serves.

Kensington Bank Team Member Since 2021

